Tag Archive | family

January blues

These are the lazy days of January

The world is frozen outside

A layer of snow making everything white

The days are shorter

And the sun is shy

We have to bring the light from within us

We have to warm up our surroundings with love

There are always things to be thankful for 

Things we take for granted until they are gone

Being in good health

Having good friends who care

Living in a peaceful society

The warmth of the family

Every time I want to complain

I remind myself to count my blessings

And be grateful 

January 16, 20224

Showered with love


As I read the messages of love from my friends
My eyes tear up
So much kindness and care is evident in them

Messages from my classmates around the world
Messages from my friends in Montreal
Messages and calls from my family

Nothing can go wrong with so much love
I believe in the power of prayer and positive thoughts
I believe in their role in healing

If anything, this experience has shown me how much I’m loved
If anything, I can see more clearly the goodness
In everyone’s heart

August 9th, 2022

The day before my operation for breast cancer

Should I be?


Should I be worried?

Somehow I’m not

With the support of my family and friends

I feel strong

I trust my surgeons to do a good job

And I know I will be spoiled with kindness afterward

Challenges are blessings sometimes

I now know better how many people care for me

There are many people I can lean on

Thankful for every one’s love

I know all will be well

All will be fine

August 7th 2022

A few days before breast surgery

Interesting times


These are interesting times

We have virtual coffee dates

Zoom get togethers

And communicate with others

From the comfort of our homes


These are interesting times

Empty streets

Stores that had to close

Even hairdressers!

I’d say this is an essential service

Especially for the ladies


These are interesting times

Health care workers

Are putting themselves in danger

To save others’ lives


These are interesting times

Families can spend more time together

And we are forced to slow down


These are interesting times

Resilience is needed

Hope is essential

Patience is necessary

And creativity is helpful


These are interesting times

Kind words and deeds go a long way

Prayer and meditation provide a balm

Nature is still our playground


These are interesting times

We can see that the world has become

A global village

Cooperation is needed

And we each need to do our part


March 26th, 2020



We are considered weak by some

Defective, strange and to be avoided by others 

It looks like we don’t try hard enough and

Don’t have the determination to beat our condition


Whereas to not give up hope 

During the dark days of depression 

Requires a herculean effort 

As well as the support of family and friends


To get up each day knowing that a struggle is ahead 

And march on anyway

To endure the pain of depression 

A pain that cuts deep


To reach out to others

When all we want to do is isolate ourselves further

To pursue treatment that is not one size fits all

And to smile from time to time

And carry on with our responsibilities and obligations 


These are qualities of a courageous, patient and determined person 

Who doesn’t give up despite the challenges she faces

For days and sometimes months on end


So please don’t think we are weak

Have compassion for us

And be part of the group of people

Who help reduce the stigma 


December 15th, 2019



Blessed to be feeling well

Blessed to have time to write


Blessed with my family

Blessed to live in freedom


It’s these seemingly little things we take for granted

That affect us so much


They don’t scream at us

They whisper very softly 


It’s when we lose these things

That we notice how important they are


Anytime I want to complain

I ask myself what I’m thankful for


I remind myself of the little things

And listen very carefully

December 4th, 2019


imageWhen I go through hard times

There are so many questions I ask myself


Why now?

Why again?

Didn’t I learn?

Why didn’t I see before what I see now?

Are there any good answers to these questions?

The answers are blowing in the wind

As the song says

The answers are illusive

My head becomes a jumble of thoughts

And it’s hard to make sense of it all

I can’t stop asking these questions though

I need clarity

Sometimes I need to accept the pain even though 

I don’t have good answers to my questions 

Sometimes all I can do is take it one day at a time

Or one hour at a time 

Sometimes all I can do is to lean 

On my friends and family for a while

I may never find the answers 

But I will surly survive this painful experience 

November 22nd, 2019

Can I please?



I know I need to be thankful

But can I complain a little please?

I know I am blessed

But can I feel a little sorry for myself?

I know we all suffer in different ways

But can I ask why me?

I know life is full of ups and downs

But can I now go down please?

Can I complain about

All the times I felt I could not do the simplest things?

All the times I didn’t want to get up and start the day?

All the times I had to push myself to arrange things?

All the times I told myself to hang in there a little longer

All the times I got frustrated

And my patience ran out?

All the times I would see the long road ahead

With no respite?

At least let me pat myself on the back

For surviving this time

Knowing that I could not have done it

Without my family and friends

At least let me be proud of myself

For persevering again


October 1st, 2019

One family


Do I fit in here or there?

Do I belong here or there?

Questions I once asked myself

How about I fit in here and there

I belong here and there

I also belong to a group of people

Who have grown up here and there

There are other people like me out there

They are also my community

At the root of it all though

We are all human beings

Who belong to the same family


Sept. 5th, 2018




What’s the difference between our interactions online
And those in person
Can’t pretend that the online world does not exist
That’s how we stay in touch with family and friends
Acorss the country and around the world
It’s like letter writing on steroids

The online community is as real as the people who live close to us
We get emotional support from both
We exchange ideas both ways
We bring others cheer both ways

The secret as always is moderation
Anything done to excess is not good
Some limits we need to create for ourselves
No one else can do this for me and you

So the challenge is knowing
When it’s enough
When to stop
When to go offline
I tend to write more when I do
And this poem came to be
I left my phone accidentally at home

Dec. 5th, 2017