Archive | October 2022

Love is what life is about


Love is what life is about

The encouraging words of a friend

A thoughtful gift sent in times of illness

A phone call to see how you are

And even though these things happen sometimes

During challenging times

The love one feels 

Makes one feel alive

And cheers one’s soul

Love is what life is about 

October 29th, 2022

Chemo holidays


Chemo holidays are great

What might those be, you say?

It’s week two and three in a three week cycle of chemo

The first week after getting your IV drip of chemo drugs is a right off

Fatigue, nausea, sleepless nights

Food not tasting good, swallowing being hard

Everything out of whack basically

Brain fog

But luckily, there are weeks two and three

And I call those chemo holiday weeks

A semblance of normal returns

You feel like yourself again

You’re not in constant discomfort 

Basically, life is good

Thank God for chemo holidays

When your body can take a break

From the onslaught of the meds

That help you and hurt you at the same time

When your mind can relax 

And realize that normal does return

October 29th, 2022

Being grateful is best


At the coffee shop

Sitting in the sun

Watching normal people doing normal things

Chatting with friends

Having their croissants with coffee

Me, I’m feeling good relatively speaking

I’m at the coffee shop, aren’t I?

I wonder when I’ll be back to normal

Normal energy levels

Normal days 

It will be a while

So, I have to make the best of it for now

Who knows what kinds of issues

The people at the table next to me are dealing with

I could look very normal to them

But I know better myself

This is a process I have to go through 

One day at a time

I can’t have my eyes on the end

That’s too long from now

I’ve got to be my best self 

Whatever that is now

Do what I can

Rest when I can’t 

Accept things as they are

Be thankful for the treatment I’m getting

In a beautiful hospital

With competent specialists

It’s always best to be grateful

It leads to a better outcome 


October 28th, 2022

Nine days after first chemo treatment 

A night from hell


First night after my first chemo treatment:

It was a night from hell

Pardon my language

No, it wasn’t nausea or fatigue or the other things I was expecting

It did not let me sleep 

Did not let go of me all night

And I had never experienced  it before

It was restless leg syndrome

Every few second my leg would go into a spasm and move involuntarily, like a little kick 

So imagine that, times a thousand

Because it would not stop

I tried hot packs

I tried stretches

Albert gave me a massage

But these little kicks came back on time each time

I took Tylenol

I took Valerian 

I would sleep a little and then wake up 

To that now familiar and dreaded feeling of a kick I was not in control of

It did get better as the night went on

But it didn’t disappear totally

It became milder and less frequent

It moved from my left leg to my right leg where it has stayed

I’m so happy the night is almost over and with it my ordeal 

I hope it’s not a night I will ever have to repeat again

October 20th, 2022

ps: Nine days later: survived the first week after chemo and doing well.

Symphony in Orange


Symphony in Orange 

I have a few favourite colours 

And one of them is orange, in any of its glorious varieties

And these amazing hues are on display 

This fall as in every other fall

From orange to burnt orange to mixture of shades of oranges

They decorate the trees all along the paths I walk or drive

The beauty of nature is breathtaking

It feeds the soul

Orange is the colour of the fire of love

The fire that imparts life to our hearts

Orange is a joyous colour

It uplifts the soul

Orange is a colour that shines

It’s the colour of the sun in the sky

It’s warm and bright, the creator of life

There is no dearth of orange in the nature around us now

I try to take in the beauty when I’m outside

I collected many orange coloured leaves of our tree this morning

Our tree is shedding its garb of fall now

Orange magnificent

Orange a celebration 

Orange, a feast for our eyes

Orange, sublime

October 20th, 2022

Fists raised up


The fervour of these youth

The anger of these youth

Their fists raised in the air

Their hearts full of hope

These youth are speaking up for freedom

They are tired of being told lies

They want a different future

And they are sacrificing their lives

The passion of these youth

Throwing away their scarves

Showing what was hidden

For years now

These youth are being arrested

They are dying

Because they want a different life

Because they are no longer afraid to speak up

I’m proud of these youth

I honor their cause

I stand with them

Until there is freedom

I’m not paying a price with my life

Or with my imprisonment

I can only speak up with my pen

With my fists in the air

I’m awe-struck by the bravery of these youth

Climbing walls without headscarves

October 19th, 2022

Anthem of unity


The hallmark of this movement is unity

Unity between the university students and their professors

Unity between the Turk and Lor and Bakhtyari

Unity between the less fortunate and the affluent

Unity between workers and society

Unity among the students in high schools

Unity among the people marching in the streets

Unity among young and old

Unity among all strata of society

This is unprecedented in Iran

This revolution has a beating heart

That of valiant women and girl children 

This revolution has strategy

Creative ways in expressing their demands

This revolution has momentum

It’s a movement that cannot be stopped

The dam has broken and it can’t be shut

I salut the women and girls of Iran

I salut the university students and professors

I salut the workers who are on strike

I salut the business people who close their shops

I salut their cries for equality

I salut their courage which is awe-inspiring

I salut their perseverance and steadfastness

I salut the audacity of those who walk around without their head scarves

This road may be long

Many lives are being sacrificed

Many are spending their time in captivity

But there is no turning back

The world is watching in admiration

And I pray and hope that the dawn is nigh 

October 18th, 2022



You say I should cover my hair and body 

So I don’t  tempt men

I say men should be and are stronger than that

You say the headscarf is a sign of modesty

I say it’s a means of control 

You say dancing excites the other sex

I say dancing brings joy into my life

You say women’s singing voice shouldn’t be heard

I say you are depriving society of so much

You say women are the weaker sex

And they need protection

I say you haven’t seen what we are capable of

You say the place of women is at home

I say society needs our contribution 

You hit, and arrest and try to torture women into submission

I say this cruelty is much worse than what you consider immodesty 

You do these things in the name of religion

I say religion is for peace

You fear women it seems

And you should because women are strong and courageous

And will fight for their equality like lionesses till they achieve their goal

October 17th, 2022

When children are killed


A child was killed
No, children have been killed 
And why you may ask
Because they spoke their minds
Asked for their rights
Took off their scarves
Fought for freedom
And this is a real fight
Many have died
Innocent ones
At the hands of brutal people
Whose heart seems to be made of stone
Who are willing to kill their own countrymen
People are dying in the streets
This is not an easy fight
Courage is needed
Anger fuels their cause
But why should children die?

October 15, 2022

Smoke billows


Smoke billows

Smoke billows from the prison on the hill
A thick grey column has risen to the sky
It marks the place of atrocities and injustices

Rounds of shots can be heard
Who is being killed and why?
Haven’t they suffered enough?

Explosions can be seen
Tear gas is being fired on those who have no where to hide
The injured are being taken away
But why have they been injured in the first place?

These are dark days
And dark acts of hatred are being committed
These days are being marked with people chanting
With cars honking
With head scarves burning
With placards and signs
With grievances being written on walls

These days are dark
But they will not last
People have passed through the valley of fear
They cannot be stopped
And they will continue to ask for their rights
And one bright morning, the sun of justice will shine

October 16th, 2022