Archive | August 2023

A maybe to-do list


A maybe to-do list!

What a wonderful concept

To do lists are very necessary

I make them too

But they can be stressful

Because what you need to do stares at you

Each time you pass it by

Some items on the to-do list are harder to cross off

They seem to be permanently there

After a while you don’t see them anymore

Maybe because they are not urgent

Or maybe because you don’t want to do them

Many years ago I learned to put taking care of myself

On the top of the to-do list

Just to make sure I’ll have time for it

I don’t actually write it on the paper

But it’s there in my mind

And I try to do something that is rewarding and enjoyable each day

Mostly writing 

But a maybe to-do list takes the pressure off

These are things you hope to do

But if you don’t 

The world will not fall apart

The tasks merely stay on the list till you get to them

August 29, 2023