Archive | November 2019



What is the color of injustice?

It’s midnight black

And like the darkness of the moonless night

It wraps itself around you and starts squeezing

Injustice like a black cloth blindfolds you 

And wrapped around your mouth, silences you

Injustice like a rope

Ties your hands behind your back and restricts you

Injustice is the thief that steals the light 


But the darkness of injustice 

Will give way to dawn

That day will come 

November 2019


imageWhen I go through hard times

There are so many questions I ask myself


Why now?

Why again?

Didn’t I learn?

Why didn’t I see before what I see now?

Are there any good answers to these questions?

The answers are blowing in the wind

As the song says

The answers are illusive

My head becomes a jumble of thoughts

And it’s hard to make sense of it all

I can’t stop asking these questions though

I need clarity

Sometimes I need to accept the pain even though 

I don’t have good answers to my questions 

Sometimes all I can do is take it one day at a time

Or one hour at a time 

Sometimes all I can do is to lean 

On my friends and family for a while

I may never find the answers 

But I will surly survive this painful experience 

November 22nd, 2019


img_5386When you stop people from talking

When you close the schools down

When people can’t go to work

And the nation comes to a stop

There is something that’s not right

Something that can’t be explained away

In this age of communication 

There is something wrong if you don’t let 

people communicate

The seeming peace is a mirage

The embers are burning under the logs

Fire can still erupt from those embers

If the conditions are right 

It’s not silence when you cover someone’s mouth

It’s not freedom if you don’t let people talk


November 17th, 2019

Thinking of the people of Iran




Sometimes in life

You have to live with uncertainty 

And wait for clarity

Sometimes this depends on the people around us

Whose decision affects us

Certain questions don’t have a yes or no answer right away

The answer could be I don’t know or maybe, I’ll tell you later

How does one deal with uncertainty?

Perhaps through faith in the people around us

Those whose decision will impact us

Perhaps through prayer

Perhaps through resignation 

Accepting things as they are

In any case uncertainty is part of life


November 15th, 2019

Winter arrives


Whether we complain or not

The snow will return each year

If we complain

We just create bad vibes and unhappiness 

One has to learn to live with the cold and snow of winter


We all go through it together

Experiencing the challenges

And everyday that passes 

We are one day closer to spring


I may change my mind in February 

But for now I’ll remain optimistic


November 11th, 2019

Fall carpet


DB1D173B-2DAE-42DC-AF61-9054E7E5DEF6.jpegThe trees have spread their fall carpet under them

They are inviting us to sit with them for a while

Look at the beauty of nature and

The amazing colors, a feast for the eyes


They say let’s look back at the summer

What did you enjoy?

What was hard?


They say let’s look ahead to winter

The season of hibernation 

We can still do a lot in those cold months


They say let’s think about right now 

The blessings we have

How far we’ve come And then they thank us for visiting them 

And staying for a while 


October 16th, 2019



Is eternity too long to live

After we leave this world?

Will we get bored?

What are we going to do with all that time?

Eternity is very long

Will we have things to do, places to go, things to see?

They say we will be spirits

But what does that mean?

Why all this secrecy about life after we die?

There must be a wisdom in it

That we’ll only then find out


October 30th, 2019

Inspired by Emily Dickinson’s

‘Because I could not stop for death’