Tag Archive | growth

Earthquakes and mountains

There are no mountains without earthquakes

Tell me about your earthquake

Tell me what caused you to become a majestic mountain

Holding your head high

Yet as humble as the earth of which you are made of

The challenges of our lives 

Like earthquakes

Disrupt the normal state of affairs

They reshape the landscape of our spirit 

With a thunderous roar

They destroy the structures present

But in their wake

Arise magnificent mountains

A testament to the pain of destruction

And the rise of new formations 

Dec 3, 2024 



A child is born

And brings much joy

But the mother makes many sacrifices

The sleepless nights

The fatigue and feeling overwhelmed 

Her priority becomes her child

The child grows

And in each stage of growth

There are challenges 

And the mother learns and grows as well 

The teen years are the time the child

Tries to be their own person

And their life starts to separate from that of the mother

Early adulthood are sweet years

The independent child becomes a friend 

A helpmate, a confidant 

And then it’s time for the child to leave 

To start their own journey in life 

And the mother once again must sacrifice 

The bonds she has carefully created over the years

Must stretch somewhat 

The distance between her and her child has to grow 

But the mother’s soul will always be close 

To that of her child

Her thoughts will be with him/her

Her love will go on 

April 30, 2023

Sunny day



Sunny days are fleeting 

The clouds always gather and rain falls

It’s like the days of our lives

We need to enjoy the sunny days

Sit outside

Go for walks

Soak up the sunshine

Because most likely tomorrow it will rain

Challenges will come

Illness may visit

Stressful situations my arise

But like real rain

These days are the days that water the ground

Of our hearts and souls

They may not be our favorite days

But they are necessary for our growth 

Without rain, we don’t have lush gardens and meandering rivers

Without rain, we don’t appreciate the sunny days as much

Today is a sunny day

And I’m sitting in the sun

April 14th, 2023



It can always be worse

That’s why I try to be thankful under all circumstance

Of course I could have been more vigilant 

But that kind of thinking is not helpful

What has been done is done 

Now I try to look forward 

With a positive attitude

And gratitude for the treatment that is available

I will walk this path 

Stage by stage

And arrive at the destination

I will learn the lessons I have to learn

I will be considerate of those around me

I will be appreciative of the support I get

And this path will be another one in my life

That I need to traverse

Through challenges we polish the gems we are

Through challenges we mature in this life

Life is not always easy

And it’s not meant to be

When surprises come our way

We can still control how we respond to them

How we navigate them

And how we grow in the process

September 14, 2022

Cancer surviver

Cancer survivor is a heavy title to bear 

Cancer can be dangerous 

Surviving it is good however

But I think there is still a stigma that goes along with cancer

If not, we would talk about it more than we do

It’s kept hush hush most of the time

You hear years later that someone had cancer

And you never found out

Of course, it’s not something to advertise

But talking about it reduces the stigma

And increases awareness for others as well 

So, I’m a cancer survivor 

Healed and happy to live life as before

But perhaps it won’t be exactly as before

The scars will fade but won’t go away

And the checkups will continue regularly

But that’s a good thing

Like anything else in life 

Our experiences can be bearers of gifts

Depending on how we view them

And I’m grateful to be on the path of healing

With the support of my friends and family

August 19th, 2021

Crossroads of change


At the cross roads of change

Scary times

Exciting times

Anxiety provoking times

Constructive times

Change is never easy

It upsets the exciting order

It makes us uncomfortable

But change is necessary for growth

And growth is often painful

With open eyes

And an open heart

On can proceed on the path of life

And from time to time

Move to a different highway

Toward one’s destination

January 28th, 2022

Who you truly are

Embrace your struggle

It’s what will make you who you are

There are lessons you must learn

Gifts you must discover

And working through your struggles

Is how you will achieve those things

By overcoming your challenges

You will become the unique person who you are

They remove the veil and show what’s inside

Without toil and labor you are like a blank canvas

With them you can paint a lovely picture

So embrace the vicissitudes of life

They are gifts if you know how to open them

June 29th, 2021

Post traumatic growth





As quarantine rules loosen

We are still left with the remnants

No shaking hands or hugs

No big gatherings where you can sing and talk

Travelling is much different than before

Shopping with masks on seems odd


But we are the masked people for now

Whether we like it or not

And keeping two meters away is what I’ll try to do

But it’s so cold and unfriendly too


the challenging part is that there’s no end in sight

We will have to live like this for months

Something I thought was temporary

Has become a way of life


No use to pine after the life that was

The only choice we have now is to adapt

And accept that this is what it is for now


These are extraordinary times

Ones for the history books

All I hope is that when it’s done

We’ll have experienced some post-traumatic growth


June 22nd, 2020

My cocoon



I feel like I’m in a cocoon

It’s very dark in here

There is discomfort and pain


I feel like I’m in a cocoon

Can’t see what’s outside

Can’t see the future

I know I can’t stay here for ever

But how long do I need to wait?


Feeling a little claustrophobic

My world is so small

Will it ever change?


I’ve heard stories about a beautiful world out there

Full of life and colour

Full of bird song and meandering rivers

Is that just a story?

Will I ever get there?


I want to believe the stories of transformation

I want to believe that this small abode

This dark place of limitations and sorrow

Will one day give way to a marvellous world


June 7th, 2020

As life slows down

As life slows down

We get a chance to look around us more carefully  

No longer rushing about 

We can linger and ponder


Longing for connection 

We find new ways of reaching out

Technology is crucial in our lives


People passing away

Makes us reassess our priorities 

We look at our lives and think what makes us happy


No longer having easy access to material things

We wonder how much we actually need


When life is simpler

And there is more time for contemplation

We can rearrange our lives


May 27th, 2020