

A friend of mine once said:

You laugh like you have no care in the world!
You laugh like you have banished your problems!

Some of us smile
Some of us chuckle
But when you laugh, it’s from the depth of your heart
It’s unrestrained

I do laugh from the depth of my heart
Not because I have no cares or I’ve had none
I laugh this way because I have overcome
Overcome sadness and loneliness
Overcome pain and sorrow
Overcome anxiety and depression

I laugh out loud
Because I have cried
I laugh out loud
And this laughter is genuine
It’s not to show off
Not to stand out
Not to sadden others
Who may feel down

I hope my laughter brings others joy
I hope my laughter is contagious!

Lida Berghuis
December 31st, 2013

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